Stress, anxiety and panic.

“Anxiety’s like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you very far.”Jodi Picoult.


Waking relaxed, calm and energised helps us to enjoy each day which in turn increases our self-confidence and motivates us to do the things we want to do.

Some stress is necessary and fundamental to our survival. In reasonable levels this can be harnessed to improve performance, heighten senses, increase energy and get things done. However when stress gets out of hand we can feel overwhelmed and begin to find it difficult to relax, concentrate and interact with others. This can effect our sleep, our relationships, work and even our immunity. Panic attacks can also occur which can be extremely frighting for the person.

When stress levels rise our brain initiates the flight/fight/ freeze response. This response is useful when we are actually faced with danger but not when we are going about our day to day lives, i.e, going to work, sitting an exam, getting the kids to school, financial responsibilities or meeting new people.

Hypnotherapy gives you the ability to deal with situations in a calm and more productive way. Hypnotherapy helps to reduce levels of Cortisol (stress hormones) in the brain, which allows you to stay calm and more rational. In addition, Hypnotherapy helps you break the cycle of negative thinking that can perpetuate anxiety. This allows you more control over your thoughts you choose to focus on, feelings and behaviours, enabling you to feel more relaxed and confident in all situations.

This new state of calm can also be aided by the teaching of skills to lower stress levels, together with the use of self-hypnosis and a relaxation track to use at home.

To book your initial consultation to discuss how Hypnotherapy can help reduce anxiety call Rachel on 07882 659 582.